A Word From Our Founder...

Rocking My Glory was birthed as I grew into my Glory (Baldie) during my fight against breast cancer. After weeks of hair pieces, wigs, and wraps, one day I greeted a close friend (Africa Brown), and smugly I told her “I’m rocking my bald head today”, quickly she corrected me and said, “Don’t say bald, that’s your Glory”. In July of 2017, I organized a photoshoot to reveal my new confidence to the world of the new me. My goal was to showcase my Glory (Baldie) and hopefully inspire other women to confidently do the same. Losing your hair through this journey (or dealing with hair loss because of any other medical condition) is a very emotional process and as I triumphed over the loss of my hair I wanted other women to have the same confidence and success. I fused my craft and passion to create uplifting affirmation tees that you can find on my Etsy shop. My personal mission is to inspire women to embrace their inner beauty and rock their confidence no matter how cancer or dealing with hair loss may affect their appearance. I love uplifting others and sharing my testimony. I pray that as you read my testimony that you’re uplifted and find comfort in knowing that you’re not alone. My door is always open to talk and laugh. I am forever your pink sister for those of you who can relate. I have always been a person who advocates for others and I love giving back to my community by bringing awareness to breast cancer and bullying.


How I got through losing my hair?

I just kept taking pictures of myself. I’ve always had a love for taking pictures and I didn’t let becoming bald stop me. I found the beauty in ME regardless of my situation. With each picture, I had more confidence to share with more people and by the time my photoshoot was complete I had created a movement. Rocking My Glory became my mantra and I wanted to share it with the world. So, when you say Rocking My Glory, I hope you grow to be proud and not embarrassed of the person staring back at you in the mirror. I hope that other women will be inspired and become confident to love themselves, and just rock your Glory every day. We're all beautiful in our own way. Specially designed in our own way. Whether you rock your Glory because of a hair loss, a medical condition, or you're rocking it because it's your style, I want you to remember that it’s what's on the inside of our hearts that shows who we are.

Why this is important to me…

I just want to help other women going through cancer and hair loss to still feel beautiful even when you're not feeling your best and making a difference to someone else struggle is so rewarding.  Having breast cancer and going through this journey has taught me how to appreciate life more now than ever. Its taught me how to live each day as if it’s my last, and to never take anything for granted. Going through this journey has taught me how to genuinely love, and has moved me to bring awareness to women worldwide dealing with cancer. If I can inspire confidence I can save lives. By instilling confidence, I can convict women to be fearless, so that women aren’t afraid to live. Even those without cancer, If I can inspire a family member through RMG to not be afraid of cancer, hair loss or any other medical condition then maybe I can inspire women to confidently talk to their daughters about the importance of physical and home breast exams, because early detection is what saved my life.  RMG means so much to me because it’s approaching cancer with life and energy, it’s refreshing. RMG is what helps women take a deep breath, look at themselves and smile because they know they have purpose.

Breast Cancer isn’t a death sentence, and when women learn to Rock their Glory, they learn to be their own advocate; they overcome being wounded and become warriors.

- Kim